WhatsApp Aero V9.29
This article includes this:
⦿ List of changes in WhatsApp Aero V9.29
🎉 Release date: 26/04/2022
📣 Things to consider in this version:
1-) If you cannot download / send any media or record audio messages files, click here to read the solution carefully.
2-) If you are having trouble restoring or exporting backups, don't forget to grant external resources by clicking here.

Download the themes in the screenshot and use in the new WhatsApp Aero V9.29 version!
- Theme 1 = click for download!
- Theme 2 = click for download!
🔥 WhatsApp Aero V9.29 Release Notes: 🔥
🔨 Fixed Google Play Protect "harmful app" wrong alert.
🔥 WhatsApp Aero V9.27 Release Notes: 🔥
🔨 Fixed major problem that caused app to freeze.
🔨 Fixed major problem making app unusable.
🔥 WhatsApp Aero V9.25 Release Notes: 🔥
🔸 Added "Copy Caption" feature for media (select image/video > 3-dot > Copy Caption).
🔸 Added profile photo change toast. Know immediately when anyone changed profile photo by Toast message. (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Profile photo notification)
🔸 Added ability to set "Search Web" or use "Emoji & stickers" for profile photo.
🔸 Enabled reactions feature (long press any message)
🔸 Enabled pause and resume for voice note recording.
🔸 Enabled new privacy option (My contacts except...) for "Last seen" and "Profile photo" privacy settings.
🔨 Fixed: false anti-virus/anti-malware reports.
🔨 Fixed voice notes blue microphone icon issue in home screen.
🔨 Fixed video call confirmation bug.
🔨 Fixed WhatsApp Bots Menu not clickable bug.
🔨 Fixed mute indicator icon bug in WAMOD row style.
🔨 Fixed translate messages shows copied message bug.
☑️ Misc: Improved Anti-ban.
🔥 WhatsApp Aero V9.22 Release Notes: 🔥
🔨 Fixed "Profile details design" crash.
🔨 Fixed "FM Design - Aero IOS X 3 (IG)" and "FM Design - Aero IOS X 4 (IG)" styles background bugs.
🔨 Fixed some language errors.
🔨 Fixed some icons.
🔨 Fixed random crashes with clone package names.
🔨 Fixed unable to enter the business profile from time to time when using Aero profile details designs.
🔥 WhatsApp Aero V9.21 Release Notes: 🔥
🍂 WhatsApp base version updated to
🍃 Added "Save to Gallery" option when media visibility is turned off.
🍃 Added sending encrypted messages feature and new options for encrypted messages (Aero Privileges 》 Conversation Screen 》 Enable message encryption).
🍃 Added new customization options for toast notifications (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Toast notification customizations).
☑️ Enabled: New contact profile UI design.
☑️ Enabled: Disappearing messages more options (24hrs, 7 days, 90 days).
🍃 Re-Added: In-App translation.
🍃 Added option to switch translation mode between in-app or Google Translate app (Aero Privileges 》 Conversation Screen 》 Translation Option).
🍃 Added option to show total message count in "View All X Messages" screen.
🍃 Added buttons to scroll to bottom (newest) and top (oldest) message in "View All X Messages" screen.
🍃 Added clear option for backups. Now you can delete all your old backups. More space saving. (Aero Privileges 》 Universal 》 Backup And Restore 》 Clear).
🍃 Added new advanced home screen styles (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Header 》 Advanced home screen styles).
Added items:
1- FM Design - Bubble V2
2- FM Design - Reverse
3- FM Design - Aero IOS X 3 (IG)
4- FM Design - Aero IOS X 4 (IG)
🍃 Added new bottom bar style (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Header 》 Bottom bar style).
Added item:
1- RC - Material
🍃 Added new quick menu. When you tap your profile picture on most home screen styles with profile pictures, you will now see a different menu.
🍃 Added new options for quick menu (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Header 》 Quick options menu).
🍃 Added new options to archived chats row design (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Rows 》 Card design for archived row).
Added items:
1- Card style V2
2- Card style V3
🍃 Added new customization options to "Card style V2" for archived chats row. (Aero Privileges 》 Home Screen 》 Rows 》 "Archived" row).
🔨 Fixed Aero backup folder taking big storage space bug.
🔨 Fixed widget opens without app lock bug.
🔨 Fixed calling by phone call option giving wrong number sometimes bug.
🔨 Fixed in-app translation crash bug when no internet.
🔨 Fixed "View All X Messages" not working for big groups.
🔨 Fixed some design bugs.
🌟 Added or updated languages:
🌎 Turkish
🌎 Spanish
🌎 Italian
🌎 Portuguese
🌎 Russian
🌎 German
🌎 Arabic
🌎 Hebrew
And many other fixes and improvements...
💸 Click here to donate WhatsApp Aero.
What to do when using V9.29 version?
(I recommend that you read the article below and apply it correctly, as it will increase your enjoyment of WhatsApp Aero.)
1-) How to set correctly position of the message counter (badge position)?
I explained the above things in detail in another article, please click here to go to that article.