AeroInsta V22.0.1

This article includes this:
⦿ List of changes in AeroInsta V22.0.1

🎉 Release date: 15/02/2023

🪒 Minimum requirements:
-> Android 9+
-> arm64-v8a

🧿 Is AeroInsta compatible with my device? Click here to find out.

🔰 Official AeroInsta V22.0.1 Download Link: 🔰

🔥 AeroInsta V22.0.1 Release Notes: 🔥

🔨 Fixed some little bugs.

🔥 AeroInsta V22.0.0 Release Notes: 🔥

☑️ Instagram base version updated to

🔸 Added "Enable notes feature" guide router to Aero Privileges 》 General.

🔸 Added "Enable search bar in story viewers" guide router to Aero Privileges 》 General.

🔸 Added "Sound indicator icon in stories" option to Aero Privileges 》 Stories.

🔸 Added some information boxes.

🔸 Updated some fonts.

🔨 Fixed some bugs.

🔨 Imroved ad blocking.

🔨 Imroved mark as read feature.

⛔️ I removed some functions that are not working stable. Maybe in the future I will improve and re-add.

🔴 The previous version had a crash due to the download button in the main screeen. The download button has been removed in this version. Click on the posts options (3 dots) and use the "Download".

🔄 Click to download old AeroInsta versions!